Ring in the New Year on St. Croix!
New Year’s Eve is simply a celebration of the end of one calendar year and the beginning of the next calendar year. However, most of us like to take this time to reflect on the past year’s happenings and celebrate the possibilities of the coming year! St. Croix offers several celebrations across the island to commemorate Old Year’s Night and ring in the New Year, island-style.
For those of you still deciding how you want to celebrate, check out the GoToStCroix.com Calendar of Events where we’re adding events as we learn about them.
If you have never celebrated New Year’s on St. Croix before, you should know that one of the most popular traditions is to watch the first sunrise of the New Year at Point Udall. Point Udall is the easternmost point of the United States, making it the very first place the sun touches the U.S. each day. The whole Point Udall area is crowded with locals and visitors alike because the sunrise over the Caribbean Sea is an epic way to kick-off the New Year.
However you choose to celebrate, all of us here at GoToStCroix.com wish you a safe and memorable New Year’s Eve and a Happy New Year!
-Jennie Ogden, Editor