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Races and Sporting Events

St. Croix has a race or sports organization for every age and fitness level! St. Croix is home to a few annual  races that attract traveling athletes as well as residents including the Beauty & The Beast Triathlon, the St. Croix Scenic 50, and the Coral Reef Swim Race. Local organizations like the Virgin Islands Triathlon Federation, the Virgin Islands Pace Runners, and the Virgin Islands Cycling Federation put on dozens of races and events each year for all ages and skill levels. You'll also find local sports clubs, swim teams, "just for fun" events, walks to support local community organizations and more!

St. Croix Triathlon


2 | Adult Aquathlon

For details and information please contact Theresa at or call (340) 513-2707.

Where : Rainbow Beach


9 | Junior Tri VI Silly Sockathlon

For details and information please contact Theresa at or call (340) 513-2707.

Where : Altona Park


9 | Du Your Best Duathlon

For details and information please contact Theresa at or call (340) 513-2707.

Where : Divi Hotel


23 | Island Hoppers

For details and information please contact Theresa at or call (340) 513-2707.

Where : South Shore


6 | VITF Junior Tri Clinic

For details and information please contact Theresa at or call (340) 513-2707. 

Where : Good Hope Country Day School


13 | Junior Tri VI Triathlon

For details and information please contact Theresa at or call (340) 513-2707. 

Where : Cramer's Park


18 | VITF Mermaid Mixer

For details and information please contact Theresa at or call (340) 513-2707.

Where : Cane Bay


2 | Women's Race

The Women’s Race promotes the end of violence and raises awareness on domestic abuse and sexual assault in our local and global communities. The WCSC has been inspiring women and girls to run, jog, or walk the 2 miles through the streets of one of St. Croix’s historic towns in the annual Women’s Day Race for over 30 years.

When: 4:45PM

Where: Frederiksted


19 | Tri Movie Social

For details and information please contact Theresa at or call (340) 513-2707.

Where : TBD


21 | Wall2Wall Sprint Triathlon & Try-a-Tri

For details and information please contact Theresa at or call (340) 513-2707.

Where : Cane Bay


19 | Junior Tri VI Duathlon

For details and information please contact Theresa at or call (340) 513-2707.

Where : Altona Park


2 | Beauty & the Beast Triathlon

For details and information please contact Theresa at or call (340) 513-2707.

Where : Cramer's Park


16 | Junior Tri VI Splash 'n Dash

For details and information please contact Theresa at or call (340) 513-2707.

Where : Bungalows on the Bay


7 | Reindeer Run Half Marathon & 5K

For details and information please contact Theresa at or call (340) 513-2707.

Where : Cane Bay

Virgin Islands Triathlon Federation

VITF is your source for all things multi-sport in the US Virgin Islands.  VITF hosts races, run runs, triathlons, duathlons, aquathalons and more, for children and adults throughout the year across the island of St. Croix.

Website:  |  Phone: (340) 513-2707  |  Email:

Virgin Islands Pace Runners

The Virgin Islands Pace Runners is an organization which strives to develop the competition and physical fitness aspects of the sport of running. In addition, V.I. Pace places a heavy emphasis on public and community service and participation in club events. It accomplishes this by conducting races, fitness runs, fun runs, tour runs (for visitors), clinics, safety sessions on running, fund raisers for charity, and Marathon Classes at the University of the Virgin Islands. V.I. Pace accommodates all types of runners, beginners to international/world-class athletes, with projects suited for children, adults and masters runners. It is a member of the Virgin Islands Track & Field Federation which is affiliated with the Virgin Islands Olympic Committee and the International Amateur Athletic Federation. 

Website:  Phone: (340) 643-2557 or (340) 777-0258  |  Email:

Virgin Islands Cycling Federation

The VICF's aim is to promote cycling in the Virgin Islands by: coordinating and developing activity in the U.S. Virgin Islands directly relating to the sport of cycling; promoting and encouraging public participation in cycling; overseas representation at international competitions; and assisting individuals and organizations concerned with sports in the development of cycling training.

Website:  |  Phone: (340) 513-2707  |  Email:

St. Croix Dolphins

The St. Croix Dolphins provides a swimming facility and coaching resources for children across the island of St. Croix. The facility is located on the campus of the Good Hope Country Day School and it includes a 50-meter six lane competitive pool along with a shallow 15-meter heated learn to swim pool. Group and private lessons are available.

Website:  |  Phone: (340) 719-7946  |  Email:

340 Women's Soccer Inc.

340 Women’s Soccer Inc. is a non-profit organization geared towards empowering women and girls through the game of soccer by providing opportunities for them to fulfill their future goals and assisting them to improve and excel holistically. 340 Women’s Soccer offers the 340 Girls Soccer Academy which is designed specifically for girls ages 6-18 to help with their development, to build athletic excellence and to have fun. The ultimate goal is to make available an avenue for girls and women to reach their full potential and be successful at all different levels of the game of soccer while having fun.

Website:  |  Phone: (340) 690-6856  |  Email:

Junior's Splash n' Dash


US Virgin Islands Department of Sports, Parks & Recreation

The mission of DSPR is: "To promote high quality, diverse, and accessible programs, services and facilities that enhance the quality of life for all ages, cultures, and abilities."

St. Croix Office of Department of Sports Parks and Recreation

William D. Roebuck Industrial Park, Frederiksted, St. Croix 00840

Website: Phone:  (340) 773-0160  |  Mailing Address: RR1 Box 9910, Kingshill, VI 0085

St. Croix Sports Parks & Recreation Centers

D. C. Canegata Recreation Complex

Parcel No. 3 Est. Christiansted, VI 00820  |  (340) 773-954

Emile “Gravey Henderson Sports Courts

No. 2 Lagoon Street, Frederiksted, VI 00840

Issac Boynes Ball Park

Plot No. 296 Est. Grove Place, Frederiksted, VI 00840  |  (340) 692-5699

La Valley Recreational Park 

Plot No. 93 Estate La Valley

Paul E. Joseph Stadium

No. 2 Lagoon Street, Frederiksted, VI 00840 

Pedro Cruz Ball Park

Plot No. 133 Estate Profit, Kingshill, VI 00850  |  (340) 778-4369

Randall “Doc” James Race Track

Section 5 of Alexander Hamilton Field

Renholdt Jackson Recreation Complex

No. 55 Estate Whim, Frederiksted, VI 00840  |  (340) 772-4490

Rudy Keiger Recreation Complex

Parcel 3H Estate Sion Farm, Christiansted, VI 00820  |  (340) 719-9223

Terrance Martin Softball Field

No. 2 Lagoon Street, Frederiksted, VI 00840

Williams Delight Community Center

#784 Estate Williams Delight, Frederiksted, VI 00840

In The Blog

St. Croix Coral Reef Swim

St. Croix Coral Reef Swim

Cane Bay Fills with 'Mermaids'!

Cane Bay Fills with Mermaids!

Enter a Road Race

Enter a Road Race