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Recurring Events & Entertainment

Find out what's happening here on St. Croix!  We have everything from live music and trivia nights, to salsa dancing and outdoor movies.  Here you'll find when and where to find recurring weekly and monthly events, entertainment and more!


St. Croix Recurring Events & Entertainment

St. Croix Signature Events

St. Croix Signature Events St. Croix is home to some unique events you won’t want to miss! …

Races and Sporting Events

Races and Sporting Events St. Croix has a race or sports organization for every age…

Classes and Workshops

Classes and Workshops St. Croix offers dozens of immersive classes and educational programs that…

Cruise Ships

Cruise Ship Passengers

Cruise Ships Only on St. Croix for a day while your cruise ship is in port? There’s so much to see, do and explore on St. Croix and we’re happy…